Sunday 19 February 2017


IN 8085 microprocessor there are six 8 bit register  (B,C,D,E,H,L)
,one accumulator ,one flag register 
and two 16 bit registers that is stack pointer and program counter.

THE programming model contain 6 general purpose register(B,C,D,E,H,L), and this register can perform 16 bit operation by combining as BC,DE,HL.

Here the work of program counter is to store or copy data into register by using copy data instruction.

Accumulator -THE accumulator is a 8 bit register which is a part of arithmetic and logical unit(ALU).we use this register to store 8 bit data and perform arithmetic and logical operation on it.

Stack Pointer-THE use of stack pointer is to locate the top most location of the of stack or memory.

Program Counter-THE funtion of programe counter is to point the the memory address from which the next byte is to be fetched.

FLAG-THE most commonly used flags are zero,carry,sign.flag register always be either zero or one.

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